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What problems will occur in the processing of mechanical parts?

For experienced processors, there are some minor problems, no matter what process, but what problems often arise! The same is true for mechanical parts processing. What events will happen during the processing?

1. Positioning error: The positioning error mainly includes the reference misalignment error and the positioning sub-manufacturing inaccuracy error.

2. Measurement error: When the part is measured during processing or after processing, the measurement accuracy is directly affected by the measurement method, the accuracy of the measuring tool, and the workpiece and subjective and objective factors.

3. Tool error: Any tool will inevitably wear out during the cutting process, and thus cause the size and shape of the workpiece to change.

4. Fixture error: The function of the fixture is to make the workpiece have the correct position corresponding to the tool and the machine tool. Therefore, the geometric error of the fixture has a great influence on the machining error (especially the position error).

5. Machine tool error: including spindle rotation error, guide rail error and drive chain error. The spindle rotation error refers to the variation of the actual rotation axis of the spindle at each moment relative to its average rotation axis, which will directly affect the accuracy of the workpiece being machined.

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