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The concept of benchmarks in the processing of non-standard parts

Nowadays, various processing methods appear before our eyes. That is because our industry needs to use these processing methods, different products, different processing methods, and different processing, different processing, non-standard parts. Processing is one of them, then the concept of the benchmark in the processing of non-standard parts and what is the classification.

1. Design basis
The part drawing is used to determine the points, lines, and faces on which the points, lines, and faces on the part are based.
2. Process benchmark
The benchmark used in the machining and assembly of parts, called the process benchmark, includes the following.

(1) The procedure is used to indicate the dimensions of the dimensions and the geometrical tolerances of the process in the process. In its essence, it is similar to the design basis, but it is only the benchmark of the process diagram. Most of the process standards overlap with the design standards, and may be overlapped with the design standards and may overlap with the positioning standards for the convenience of processing.
(2) The reference on which the workpiece occupies the correct position on the machine or in the fixture during positioning reference machining. If the workpiece is clamped by the direct alignment method, the front side is the positioning reference; the line is used to find the positive method, and the line is drawn as the positioning reference; the surface where the workpiece is in contact with the positioning element is the positioning reference.
(3) The reference used to measure the reference workpiece during or after machining.
(4) The basis used to determine the relative position of the part in the part or product when assembling the assembly.

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