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Employing principles

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Talent has opened three channels:
Everyone is a talent, talent found in every corner of society. In order to give full play to local advantages, while extensively absorb around resources to ensure the leading position Tianyu investment companies to open channels to recruit more capable:
1, the majority of graduates colleges
2, stationed around the headquarters and service center for the public Recruitment
3, good character reflux staff


Adhere to the four principles of employment:
Understand: Understanding, understanding, respect, not only Appreciating the table, but also to potential Appreciating;
Rongren: create a relaxed environment, people feel happy, do not demand perfection, allowing self-improvement;
Employer: Provide display to the stage for each employee to create learning, development, and opportunities for self-realization of value;
Man: honest, good with people, tolerant people, understanding people and avoid internal friction, dedicated, dedicated to the company as home, with honor and disgrace company.

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Add:Building 8, Songgang First Industrial Village, Songgang Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen,China.
Contact:Mr.Lu 13714851595 Tel:0755-29891116 Fax:0755-27673791
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