
Welcome to Shenzhen STR Hardware Products Co., LTD.

Talent Strategy

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Create a fair and open competitive environment:
Companies strive to create a fair competitive environment for our employees, so that employees get to compete in the same premise resources, access to improve in the competition, survival of the fittest.
1) eclectic, equality of opportunity, merit;
2) no gender, origin, physical characteristics of prejudice;
3) no alumni factions, sectarianism origin;
4) No employer leadership personal preference.


Staff design a challenging career:
Companies give full consideration to individual needs, personal values combined with business development goals, design staff challenging career goal set both realistic and challenging, is achievable through the efforts of staff in the development of employees and the company to achieve "win-win."

Copyright 2018-2020 Shenzhen STR Hardware Products Co., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
Add:Building 8, Songgang First Industrial Village, Songgang Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen,China.
Contact:Mr.Lu 13714851595 Tel:0755-29891116 Fax:0755-27673791
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