
Welcome to Shenzhen STR Hardware Products Co., LTD.


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Internet Marketing Specialist
1, female, college education, marketing professionals <e-commerce ";
2. At least 2 years work experience, familiar with office software applications;
3, familiar with the major B2B, B2C platforms operate on the network marketing has a unique perspective;
4, know how to use search engines, blog, forums and other promotional methods to expand the promotion;
5, online communication ability, affinity groups and good knowledge of the language ability, good at dealing with customer relations;


Sales representative
1, male, college educated; Marketing Professional
2, engaged in sales or related channel sales more than 2 years;
3, with strong negotiation, information gathering, communication skills and pressure capabilities, independent development and customers in a relatively short period of time;
4, familiar with product sales market;
5, strong execution and market development capabilities; in engineering projects have customer groups are preferred;
6, direct marketing, telemarketing experience is preferred

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Add:Building 8, Songgang First Industrial Village, Songgang Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen,China.
Contact:Mr.Lu 13714851595 Tel:0755-29891116 Fax:0755-27673791
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