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What are the requirements for precision machining to improve the quality of processing?

For the industry, precision machining of ordinary non-standard parts has been very simple, but the development has been constantly changing the process flow, simplifying unnecessary links to shorten processing time. And independently develop the corresponding technology to further improve the quality of the product. How to do this, we also need to cooperate with several other aspects.

First of all, for the technicians of precision parts processing, not only need strong technical support, but also have a wealth of work experience to deal with unexpected events. Otherwise, even if the company is equipped with perfect equipment, it is difficult to make a blank into a high-precision, high-quality component.

Secondly, in order to produce high-quality products, engineers with more than ten years of industry experience develop process flow and analyze all aspects from the drawings. Follow the scientific and reasonable actual situation, match the equipment and personnel required by the process, and strictly abide by the process flow. In this way, work efficiency is improved and the production cycle is shortened.

Again, for some of the special requirements put forward by some customers, such as whether there will be problems during assembly, the team of Timei will provide relevant opinions based on the system analysis. We know that certain levels of detail can't be understood on the drawings that provide processing. We can only provide advice on our profession before precision machining, and also communicate with customers in the process. Progress. Communication helps our two parties to work better, provide work efficiency, and make quality parts that best meet the needs of our customers.

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Add:Building 8, Songgang First Industrial Village, Songgang Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen,China.
Contact:Mr.Lu 13714851595 Tel:0755-29891116 Fax:0755-27673791
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