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Issues to be aware of when transporting parts

The precision parts themselves are a very precise thing. The production equipment is exquisite, and the production environment is also very particular. Even if it is produced, it is not a matter of heart. If you look at it, it may lead to problems that do not meet the requirements, so it is so demanding. Objects, transportation is actually a big problem. In the past, our company encountered one thing, that is, the customer was anxious to get a batch of spare parts. The workers worked overtime and drove them out, and transported them to the customer at the fastest speed. However, as a result, none of the batch of parts was in compliance with the standard. Today we will talk about the matters needing attention during the transportation process.

In the first year, after the parts are produced, the inspection is very important. It is necessary to strictly test each part. Before the parts are inspected, the parts must be placed at room temperature for a period of time before they are detected. After the parts are completely cooled, they can be tested. After the test is passed, it must be placed in a box with a protective film. Don't care about the protective film. It's always right to put a little more. Then when you put the whole box of parts on the car, you must take it lightly. The too large fluctuations will easily cause the parts to be deformed. Transport to the destination is also a light hand. Try to choose the best way to go during the transportation process. Don't be too bumpy. In short, any small detail will lead to deformation of the parts.

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