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Small coups for precision machining

In the daily precision machining process, I encountered a lot of small problems, and then they worked through the efforts of others to solve these problems. Then some thoughtful employees summed up these small problems to solve the problem. come out. Today, we will share some tips on precision machining in the larger home. You can refer to it:

1. When the pulley is driven, the pulley often slips between the pulley and the axle, and a series of sockets are drawn on the axle with a 15-18mm drill bit to form an adsorption force to prevent slippage.
2. For the case that the workpiece is first positioned and then clamped, but for a workpiece, first clamp and then position, because the workpiece will be deformed when clamping, so it should be clamped and then positioned.
3. Remove the jaws of the vise, and machine the two M4 threaded holes. Two steel plates with a thickness of 1.5 mm are clamped to the jaws, and the aluminum rivets are riveted with a hard brass plate with a thickness of 0.8 mm. Fasten to the jaws with M4 countersunk screws to form a durable soft jaw that also protects the hardware from being pinched and interchangeable.
4, using a magnet to absorb small parts (fees) is not convenient to suck and take, you can suck an iron plate under the magnet, not only can suck a lot of small pieces, but also pull the iron plate open, small pieces will automatically dump into the collection immediately Inside the box.
5. When the hex wrench is short and can't be stressed, the tube with the inner diameter slightly larger than the wrench can be inserted into the slot from a section of the milling slot, which can be regarded as a long handle.

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