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What should you pay attention to when processing precision metal parts?

1. Check whether the moving part is filled with lubricating oil before mechanical work, then start and check whether the clutch and brake are normal, and run the machine for 1-3 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to operate when the machine is faulty.

2, to maintain the correct posture at work, to have sufficient spirit to cope with the work, if you find physical discomfort, you must leave the job immediately and report to the leader. It is necessary to concentrate on the operation, and it is strictly forbidden to talk and cooperate with each other. The operator must not operate under the irritability and fatigue, so as to avoid accidents and ensure safe operation. All employees check their clothing for work requirements before entering the job. Do not wear slippers, high heels and clothing that affects safety. Wear long hats for safety.

3. When the mold is replaced, the power supply is first turned off, and the press movement department stops running before the mold can be installed and debugged. After the installation and adjustment, manually move the flywheel to test twice, check whether the upper and lower molds are symmetrical and reasonable, whether the screws are strong, and whether the pressure ring is in a reasonable position.

4, must wait for other personnel to leave the mechanical work area, and take the debris on the workbench before starting the power to start the machine.

5. When working mechanically, it is forbidden to put your hand into the working area of the slider. It is strictly forbidden to take and put the workpiece by hand. Tools that meet the standards must be used when removing and placing the workpiece in the die. If you find that the machine has abnormal sound or the machine is malfunctioning, immediately turn off the power switch to check. After the machine is started, it shall be transported by one person and mechanically operated. Others shall not press the electric building or foot pedal switch board, and may not put the hand into the mechanical working area or touch the moving part of the machine by hand.

6. When leaving work, you should turn off the power supply, and arrange the finished products, trims and sundries on the post to ensure the working environment is clean and safe.

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