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Precision machining requirements for materials

With the development of the times, precision machining is becoming more and more important in people's lives. What are the requirements for precision machining? Let's get to know it with Xiaobian.

Precision machining, not all materials can be precision machined, some materials are too hard, more than the hardness of the machined parts, it may collapse the machine, so these materials are not suitable for precision machining, unless it is special Mechanical parts made of materials, or laser cut.

For precision machining materials are divided into two categories, metal materials and non-metal materials.

For metal materials, the hardness is the largest for stainless steel, followed by cast iron, followed by copper, and finally aluminum.

The processing of ceramics, plastics, etc. is a processing of non-metallic materials.
1. The first is the hardness of the material. For some occasions, the higher the hardness, the better. It is only limited to the hardness requirements of the machined parts. The processed material should not be too hard. If it is harder than the machine, it cannot be processed.
2. Secondly, the material is moderately soft and hard, at least one grade lower than the hardness of the machine. At the same time, it depends on what the function of the processed device is, and the material is reasonably selected.

In short, precision machining has some requirements on materials. It is not suitable for processing materials, such as materials that are too soft or too hard. The former is not necessary for processing, while the latter cannot be processed. Therefore, the most basic one is that you must pay attention to the density of the material before processing. If the density is too large, it is equivalent to the hardness. If the hardness exceeds the hardness of the machine (the lathe turning tool), it cannot be processed. It can only damage parts and cause dangers, such as a car crashing out and hurting people. Therefore, in general, for mechanical processing, the material of the material is lower than the hardness of the machine tool so that it can be processed.

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