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What are the advantages of CNC precision parts processing?

In the machining industry, the machining accuracy often determines the quality of the machined parts to a large extent, and the CNC precision parts processing itself is a highly demanding processing method, which can achieve better results than the traditional processing methods. What are the advantages of many other machining methods, so what are the advantages of CNC precision parts processing? The following small series will give you a brief introduction:

1. Multi-axis control linkage: Generally, the three-axis linkage is most used under normal circumstances, but the machining center of four-axis, five-axis, seven-axis or even more linkage axes can be achieved by some adjustments.

2. Parallel connection of machine tools: The common machining center has a relatively fixed function. It can combine machining centers and turning centers, or vertical and horizontal machining centers, which can increase the processing range and processing capacity of the machining center.

3, tool damage warning: using some technical detection means, you can find the wear and tear of the tool in time, and the alarm, so that you can replace the tool in time to ensure the processing quality of the parts.

4. Tool life management: It is possible to manage multiple tools that work at the same time and multiple blades on the same tool to improve production efficiency.

5. Machine tool overload power-off protection: According to the load according to the production process, the maximum load level is set. When the load reaches the set value, the machine tool can realize automatic power-off and shutdown to protect the machine tool.

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